Konwój broni


Our services of convoying moneyare being conducted according to the act of polish law – “Rozporządzenie MSWiA z 14.10.1998 r. Dz. U. Nr 129, poz. 858”. It is a decree of the Ministry of Interior and Administration, which determines the detailed requirements to be met in order to protect stored and transported money by entrepreneurs and other organizational units.

We have both the specialized equipment for the transport of money and trained security personnel with the appropriate psychophysical conditions. All of our agents are qualified security officers. They are equipped with bulletproof vests, firearms, coercive measures and mobile phones.

As they are transporting the money or other items, our security agents maintain constant radio contact with the headquarters and nearest intervention patrols along the route. Moreover, our special purpose convoying vehicles remain under constant supervision of the monitoring station.
They are also equipped with satellite navigation. Technical solutions of this kind guarantee the safety of protected persons and property.

Full responsibility

We take 100% responsibility for convoyed items – we have an insurance policy which guarantees the security of our services. Each type of convoying can be adjusted to individual requirements.

What sets us apart?

Qualified staff

Years of experience

Immediate intervention

Modern technologies


Do you have questions or need our services?

Phone numbers:
Wrocław: 71 322 52 22
Tarnów: 14 621 11 15
Kielce: 601-978-153
E-mail: dak@dak.pl
