Ochrona tarnów

Mass events

We provide security and assistance for all events without exception - from sporting events to concerts, festivals to banquets and private gatherings.

The law of 20 March 2009 on the safety of mass events places an obligation on us and the organisers to ensure the safety of their participants. bezpieczeństwie imprez masowych nałożyła na nas i organizatorów obowiązek zapewnienia bezpieczeństwa ich uczestnikom.

Our tried and tested methods and standards of operation always pass the test. Only employees with comprehensive training in the area of mass event security, a psychological approach to talking to participants and dealing with people who have consumed alcohol, taken psychotropic drugs or behaved in a particularly aggressive manner are appointed to deal with this type of event.

Professional preparation

Employees are familiar with the topography of the facility and adjacent areas, and are always briefed on their duties. They are uniformed and marked in the same way (badges include a number, a photo of the employee, the name and seal of the company and a specific expiry date). When working at this type of event, radio communication of employees with each other and with security managers is used, which makes it possible to immediately call an intervention patrol, the police, ambulance or fire brigade.

Before each mass event is secured, a security plan is drawn up, which takes into account its type, duration, number of participants, size and topography of the facility, as well as real threats. Our aim is to eliminate potential threats, which involves anticipating them. We use the necessary technical means for effective implementation of security measures, e.g.: metal detectors, special gates, fences and video event monitoring and archiving systems. plan ochrony, który uwzględnia jej rodzaj, czas trwania, liczbę uczestników, rozmiar i topografie obiektu a także realne zagrożenia. Naszym celem jest eliminacja potencjalnych zagrożeń, co wiąże się z koniecznością ich przewidywania. Używamy niezbędnych środków technicznych do skutecznego realizowania zabezpieczenia, np.: wykrywacze metali, specjalne bramki, płotki oraz systemy wizyjnego monitorowania imprez i ich archiwizacji.

What sets us apart?

Qualified staff

Years of experience

Immediate intervention

Modern technologies


Do you have questions or need our services?

Phone numbers:
Wrocław: 71 322 52 22
Tarnów: 14 621 11 15
Kielce: 601-978-153
E-mail: dak@dak.pl
